Monday, October 25, 2010

Is it election day yet UGH

Wish election day would get here, these commercials are crazy!  I was just sitting here thinking about the bullying that has been forefront in the news lately and all of these clebs coming out and talking about it....and then our young people turn on the tv and what do they see?  A bunch of ADULTS running for important decision making positions acting like first graders fighting on a playground.  What does this say to our kids?  Its says that slinging shit is the way to get what you want and ultimately WIN.  I don't know about all of you but I think is totally embarrassing. 

1 comment:

  1. Those politicians don't care about our kids or any kids for that matter, ya' wanna' know why?? Cuz' kids can't vote!
    It'd be interesting if they did..
