Monday, October 25, 2010
Is it election day yet UGH
Wish election day would get here, these commercials are crazy! I was just sitting here thinking about the bullying that has been forefront in the news lately and all of these clebs coming out and talking about it....and then our young people turn on the tv and what do they see? A bunch of ADULTS running for important decision making positions acting like first graders fighting on a playground. What does this say to our kids? Its says that slinging shit is the way to get what you want and ultimately WIN. I don't know about all of you but I think is totally embarrassing.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Just a little on how i REALLY feel on this site where nobody knows me!
The way I see it, you can either look at the bright side or look at the dark side. Light rules over dark right? Turn on a lamp in a dark room and look what happens! Everyday I try to control my thoughts because I know I am what I think about. It is so hard sometimes to overcome the nagging, worrisome thoughts but you have to push them out and replace those thoughts with something wonderful and really works! How many people do you know that constantly complain about you notice how bad things KEEP showing up for them? Its because the universe will keep giving you what you ask for, if you ask for bad news it will provide it, if you ask for good news it will provide that two fold! I always (and have to work at it) look for the light in any situation. I know that every situation has a purpose although you may not be able to see it....on the surface it may look frustrating and BAD but I try to focus on what I CAN"T see, try to remember that it is a journey where everything happens for a reason.............and every step is an action toward something good, just make sure you notice the good, watch for it, it is there right in front of you. Once I was talking to my Dad and complaining about how things were not going right for me and this and that. He stopped me and said "Honey, things are not SUPPOSE to be any just is what it is" You know, simple words but really, if everyone excepted their reality and embraced it as theirs and believe that its not SUPPOSE to be ANY other more fighting, no more worry or doubt just embracing the moment and believing it is exactly where you are suppose to be..........even if it is labeled as BAD by the ego driven world.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thank goodness yesterday is done. Looking forward to a better day today. Its cold but I refuse to turn on my heat! I am going to enjoy very low gas and electric bills for at least two months, even if it means freezing my ass off.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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